The Amazing & Inspiring Story of Rich Conley

Shared by Activate Metabolics weight loss provider Dr. Bart Anderson, D.C.
It was February 27th, 2018 when Rich, a 43-year-old man weighing over 500 pounds, came into my clinic to learn about our clinical weight loss program. He was with his Dad. You may ask, “Why was a man this age coming to a doctor’s appointment with his Dad?” Well, there was a couple of reasons.
First, at this size (see photo), Rich had pretty much reached a point of being physically unable to get around well on his own. The negative effects of obesity, and all the related conditions, had caused damage to the degree that Rich had literally reached a point of disability. The immobility and limitation had even reached a point that “taking care of business” after using the toilet was seriously challenging for him. It had gotten that bad.
In addition, Rich’s father was with him because he had been the one to urge Rich to make the appointment. Rich’s mother had passed away 3 years before, and prior to her passing, she begged him to make changes. Just the same, Rich’s Dad was worried about him and was repeatedly suggesting that he seek help. By his own admission, Rich says he was simply appeasing his Dad by coming to my clinic for that consultation.
That first conversation with Rich is etched in my brain. I experienced a grown man who was physically and emotionally hurting. As often happens, I heard “reasons” why he had ended up in the situation he was in. I observed an emotional outpouring. Yes, as he will openly share, Rich sobbed through much of that first consultation. I have to admit: I got a little shook up myself. I know his father did, too. It really was an emotional interaction.
Despite the sensitivity of that unique moment and how bad I felt for the genuine and gentle man whom I’d just met, I remember this innate sense that hit me at the time. It was obvious that I had to be very straight forward with Rich. I could not sugar coat anything.
(Side note: those reading this who happen to know me are well-aware that this is pretty much how I always am. This is especially true in clinic when it comes to sharing the truth about conditions, wellness and what an individual may need to do to achieve it).
Yet, this was a bit more of a challenge because Rich was clearly in a state of extreme poor health. He was very upset. He had a very long road ahead of him “if” he chose to start a weight loss journey. On top of all that, his father, who obviously cared deeply for his son, was sitting right there with us. I certainly didn’t want to make him mad at me!
Walking that “fine line” of being compassionate yet blunt is tough sometimes. It certainly was this time, but I had to speak the truth to Rich. I had to risk sharing observations I had made in my (at that time) 27 years of practice – and especially those drawn from the previous 4 years focused almost fully on helping fight the obesity epidemic.
I hit Rich right between the eyes when I opted to lovingly share some truths he desperately needed to hear. Fortunately, Rich didn’t just “hear” what was said. He actually listened. He responded. He enrolled in our program. He became a student of making significant lifestyle changes. He soaked up the principles and lessons we routinely attempt to teach. He applied them and, almost immediately started repeating them himself and sharing them with others.
The two phrases I remember Rich most frequently sharing are “Flip the Switch” and “Stay the Course”. Both will be touched on in upcoming blogs. They are just a couple of keys among several that anyone can adopt and apply to make a lifestyle shift that results in successful weight loss and lasting weight control.
It didn’t take long for Rich’s weight loss success to begin turning heads. He lost 100 pounds of FAT (literally measured with our Computerized Body Composition Analysis technology) in the first 4 months and 250 pounds in his first year. As of this writing, he’s lost around 290 pounds total – and is in year three of keeping it off. He went from being immobile and physically disabled to a fitness “beast”. He has grown into a person who inspires others. In fact, he works part time in my clinic for that exact reason. His energy and story have the potential to help almost anyone believe what’s possible when they follow directions and accept coaching and support like he did.
I fully realize that most people do not have 290 pounds to lose. You may only have 20 or 30 pounds to lose. Or, maybe it is a bit more - like 80 or 100 pounds. Either way, the “directions” shared in our program apply. Rich is just one of the over 1200 people whom I’ve had the opportunity to help through sharing the Activate Metabolics program and principles. When one considers all the Activate clinics around the country, that number is thousands and thousands of people!
My hope is that more people hear me (and the other providers in the Activate “family”), truly listen, follow, apply and achieve weight loss success. Many of my clients have done exactly that. Unfortunately, not all have. Rich’s life changing results didn’t happen by him just hoping, wishing and waiting for a magic pill, potion or procedure. They occurred because of a decision … and application (a.k.a. work!). It does take ACTION!
Speaking of magic pills and procedures, it’s always important for me to point out that the success of our program, for the most part, is NOT merely based on the research, science, procedures or what I call the “how to” of weight loss. If you’re like most who have a weight challenge, you have probably already read and tried much of what’s out there.
The Activate Metabolics program we use in our clinic is science based and has been proven successful for thousands of people in dozens of clinics. It incorporates DNA testing for individualized plans and doctor supervision. Still, even with all of that in place, I’ve seen over and over that a person must lock into and follow the “directions”. That’s what Rich did.
Maybe you have tried “every weight loss program out there”. You may have tried what seemed to be the most breakthrough “diet” ever – and failed. Perhaps you’ve seen friends or co-workers successfully lose through a particular program only to see yourself fall short once again. The frustration is real – and understandable. Maybe you’ve lost hope.
If that’s the case, it’s important for you to know that YOUR PAST DOES NOT EQUAL YOUR FUTURE. If you have never been given the Activate “recipe”, chances are you were missing some critical information and perspective to successfully complete your weight loss journey.
Think about it: even very intelligent people can get off track, get lost and even fail to end up where they are wanting to end up if are not given an accurate and full set of directions – and support. That’s why we love all the amazing GPS technology these days. That stuff makes it easy for anyone (almost) to get anywhere we desire.
Consider the Activate “directions” as important data which needs to be dropped into the “GPS” for your weight loss journey. I believe when you take a sensible science-based approach and combine it with these “directions” you will more likely reach your ideal, desired weight … and enjoy the numerous benefits of that new, healthier lifestyle… Like Rich has!
So, with all that said, my challenge to you - and my wish for you - is very simple: Reach out to your local Activate Metabolics provider.
Then, flip the switch. Follow the “directions” on your weight loss journey. And Stay the Course!
Dr. Bart!
Bart A. Anderson, D.C.