Simply Cutting Calories Does Not Cause Weight Loss

We know there are many who have cut calories to lose weight, and have quite severely limited calories at times. And many do lose weight with this approach. However, it is almost always temporary and short-term. As soon as those individuals go back to eating a more “regular” calorie diet, the weight comes right back on. And many times when they do this, the weight comes back on with a few extra pounds for “good measure”. It’s called yo-yo dieting. It is very commonplace, and it is not healthy for the body.
The problem is, simply cutting calories is not the long term solution. Regulating hormones, metabolism, and normalizing physiology is the solution. A person can actually eat a “high” calorie diet, not feel like they are starving, and still lose weight, get to their ideal weight, maintain it, and be healthy. No, it’s not too good to be true! Yes, it can be done as we do it daily with our program.
If we took 100 calories of white bread, and compared them with 100 calories of pasture raised beef, they are vastly different. Not only is the white bread vastly deficient in vitamins and minerals compared to the pasture raised beef, the white bread also causes a huge spike in blood sugar levels. And when blood sugar levels rise, so does insulin (the fat storing hormone). Pasture raised beef does not spike blood sugar like white bread, and also has healthy fats and cholesterol which are precursors to a variety of hormones. Hormones which regulate the body’s physiology and homeostasis. Behind insulin, the sex hormones in the body are some of the main regulating hormones of body weight. And cholesterol is a precursor to ALL sex hormones. The fact that we as the public have been pounded in our heads to eat a low-fat, cholesterol free diet has done innumerable damages to our health.
Gary Taubes in his book Good Calories, Bad Calories does an excellent job on explaining the controversial science of diet and its effects on health. He lists an exhaustive number of research articles spanning decades of nutritional research. He has a follow up book that is not as voluminous, but still does a great job of explaining why we have the obesity epidemic and health crisis in this country. The book is simply called, Why We Get Fat. Another book that explains this relationship greatly is The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz. If you are a “details kind of person”, these books are excellent reads!
But know this: simply cutting calories is not the solution. Regulating hormones is the solution. And luckily your body knows exactly what to do, and how to do that. We just have to give it the right foods, which our program does!