Revisiting Your Resolutions

It seems almost hard to believe that we are at the midway point of 2019. What do you do at the half-way mark – besides, hopefully, celebrating our very meaningful Independence Day?
It’s, obviously, very common for people to consider goals, objectives or New Year “resolutions” as the calendar flips from one year to the next. The sense of an opportunity to “start-over” seems to naturally motivate us to think about things we intend to improve, change, give up or add to our lives as the new year approaches. Study after study prove that healthy improvements (especially weight loss) is one of THE most common resolutions.
We shared these numbers back at the start of the year, but we realize you may not have seen that post. So, it may be helpful for us to share them again. There was a study done 5 years ago or so at the University of Scranton. The findings were published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology and touched on the top resolutions Americans make. Check out the top 5…
Rank | Top New Year's Resolutions |
1 | Lose Weight |
2 | Getting Organized |
3 | Spend Less, Save More |
4 | Enjoy Life to the Fullest |
5 | Staying Fit and Healthy |
The research findings showed that of the resolutions made, 38% are weight related resolutions. That means that of all the folks who made a resolution (and we all know there are hundreds of thousands who do) almost 4 of 10 wanted to LOSE WEIGHT at the start of this year!
When it comes to resolutions, many folks start out super strong. Some only last a few days. Others get cruising along well then somehow and some way they go "native" ... meaning they fall right back to where they were when the previous year came to an end. That is SO frustrating!
If you've done well with your goals & resolutions, congrats!
If not, keep this in mind … IT IS STILL 2019!
It’s NOT too late! Half of the year remains. It CAN still be made great. You can still pursue and achieve your resolutions. Six months from now you CAN still end up victorious! How would that feel? Knowing that most people would be thrilled with this sort of second half finish, we want to share a few simple steps to re-visit your resolution.
- Review. What were those objectives, goals or resolutions? Did you write them down somewhere? Did you tell a spouse or friend? Re-connect with those intentions. One thing is for sure: Those things you set out to resolve, accomplish, lose and/or obtain MUST have been meaningful and important to you back on January 1st. If we do not review and assess long the way ... or if we “bury our head in the sand” and just cross our fingers and HOPE they magically happen by year's end, then we will likely wind up feeling even more frustrated as 2020 rolls in.
- Refuse. Don’t let yourself give up. There are countless examples of strong finishes or amazing comebacks out there. Maybe they are in a sports event or maybe in life in general. You can be one of those stories, too. You can see the year as half gone and wasted up to now … or see the fact that there IS still half the year to do use to accomplish great, grand and terrific things. Refuse to wait until late December when you will once again set more resolutions.
- Re-set. Similar to what you may have done as last year was finishing up, get in touch with what you want to change or improve. Even if doing so did not work for the first half of the year (or maybe it never has up to this point) you need to keep taking aim! Keep focusing on a target. Keep shooting. When you do, we believe you WILL hit that target (aka resolution some time), especially when you do #4 …
Reach Out. Here’s the sad truth: the study referenced above also showed that only 8% of people are successful in achieving their resolutions. That is a horribly low and very frustrating success rate. Yet, because of our focus on the weight loss aspect of health and wellness, we can share (and provide solutions to) the main REASONS people fail in their weight loss resolutions. For example, some of the most common ones are …
They don’t know exactly what to do. They lack a plan that will actually work. It’s more than just low calorie or low carb. It’s about metabolism … and genetics. Many people battling their weight suffer from “information overload”. There is so much information out there! So much of it seems confusing. Various approaches seem to contraindicate one another. People often reach a threshold, throw up their hands in defeat and give up.
They lack accountability. We all do better when we have someone making a difficult journey with us. Call it whatever you want: a coach, a partner or a cheerleader. That component is a huge part of this program’s success.
Lack of early results. Our program is specifically designed to off-set this reason for ditching your resolution. In fact, statistically speaking, those who begin our program average losing over 20 pounds in the first 6-week phase! Of course, there’s no “guarantee” for that because things vary so greatly with an individual’s health history, ability and discipline to follow the program, etc. (but most would agree that’s an awesome average!)
No long- term sustainable plan. Nobody wants to live in “DIET MODE” for the rest of their life! So, we process through phases of weight loss and the development of a focused life-style change using DNA testing to provide a science-based solution to KEEP the weight off.
Life throws us curve balls. Let’s admit it: “stuff” happens! Life gets messy and chaotic at times. We get steered off course. Sometimes, things are SO urgent with our family, our health, our work, etc. that it becomes practically impossible to focus on a particular aspect or area of change.
Ever experience any of these? Most people have!
If you had a New Year Resolution to lose some weight and it was left in the dust 3, 4 or 5 months ago, we should probably talk. Or, if you know someone else (a spouse, friend, family member, co-worker, etc.) who has ditched their resolution, you should probably let them know about what we’re doing! It could change their life!
Make an appointment now for a consultation with our doctor to discuss if you may be a candidate for our science-based and Doctor-supervised program. Have your friends and family do the same!