Real Solutions to Fat Fighting Frustrations 2/5

Part 2 of 5
Frustration #2: “Cheating” on YOURSELF
This topic is SOOOO frustrating, isn’t it? We SAY we want to do something … then we fail to keep our word. It’s our word to OURSELF! Most people fighting weight challenges KNOW they need to shuck some poundage. They secretly try … but many fail over and over.
SELF discipline is tough. Repeated failure despite good intentions creates frustrations. One quote that seems to tie into this common occurrence says this:
Loathing is an anger with oneself … which can grow into a disgust and dislike. People just get more and more agitated with themselves. Please be sure to know that internal stress like this does NOT help your weight loss attempts. STRESS NEVER DOES!
It’s hard to make the weight loss journey alone. It doesn’t matter if it is 15 pounds, 50 pounds or even more you may need to lose. To overcome the frustration of “cheating” on yourself the solution is to include another caring, concerned and committed individual … or in the case with our Lifetime Metabolic Program, a TEAM. One you won’t cheat on.
Unless you are super-disciplined it is really, really tough to hold yourself accountable. Let’s face it (and we don’t mean to be mean here… just telling it like it is!) most people with a serious or nagging weight issue would not consider themselves “super-disciplined”.
We see this every day – and perhaps you feel it every day: Making the journey alone and trying to hold ourselves accountable as we make a significant and lasting weight change almost never works.
The approach we employ with our clients literally starts with DAILY communication. Talk about accountability! But that’s why it works! We use daily texting at first. We use in person 1 on 1 visits every 10 days to start. As the relationship builds and the fat burns off enabling the weight to stabilize, we THEN spread that time frame out … when the time is right for YOU.
Here’s the BOTTOM LINE: To overcome frustration #2 of “cheating on yourself”, you’re probably like MOST others out there … you may need to identify a program that is strategically designed to help you stay on track and keeps you accountable to yourself AND OTHERS who are knowledgeable and caring. This SOLUTION done in a very structured way is the only way it typically succeeds.
Want to learn more? Call us today OR click to make an appointment!