Limiting Mindset #7

“It’s Uncomfortable to Change.”
We are continuing our series on LIMITED or unhealthy thinking when it comes to fat loss. We covered several weeks ago this truth:
Many people’s biggest challenge to changing their waist line lies right between their ears!
It is our belief that by sharing these limitations of thought, it may help you do what 1000’s of others before you have done: Expand YOUR thinking about weight loss! Eliminate These Limiting Mind Sets and SUCCEED in YOUR Fat Loss Journey! It does not matter HOW you have thought about that possibility up till now. It only matters how you think and what you do moving forward! So, let’s continue on …
This Limiting Mindset goes right along with the last one we discussed! Many people struggling with their weight or with their health overall tend to want to say: It’s uncomfortable to change.
But, hold on! It’s uncomfortable to stay the same, too! Isn’t it?
Maybe it’s uncomfortable to not look the way you want to look?
Maybe it’s uncomfortable to look into the mirror or see yourself in a photo?
Maybe it’s scary to think you may not live as long as you should? Or see someone special in your life grow up, get married, or even be born? THAT is uncomfortable.
It’s apparently VERY uncomfortable dealing with diagnoses, medical care, medications and the impending long term effects of chronic conditions related to being over-weight or obese (i.e. heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, etc. etc. etc.)
Maybe those seem too radical or distant for you. Maybe it’s more basic and it’s just uncomfortable not being able to do some simple activity or hobby that’s important to you?
Perhaps, trying on clothes is an uncomfortable process?
Maybe it’s uncomfortable to even do your JOB!
Maybe for you some common everyday things are physically uncomfortable … like maybe trying to ride in an airplane (as seen in this picture)

Successful coaches, counselors and mentors say it over and over when it comes to achieving anything important in life:
“You are either in the pain or in the pain.”
In other words, sometimes we have to CHOOSE our discomfort. We can choose to be uncomfortable working to be healthy and living at our ideal/goal weight. Or, we can choose to be uncomfortable with the physical, emotional and financial ramifications of NOT working to do that.
Here’s a statement that may rub some people wrong: Being obese (or just over weight) in America is VERY common. Statistically, it almost seems to be the “norm” in our country. Well, it may be common and the comfortable way of doing things … But it is NOT normal. It is not how we are designed to optimally function and live.
In closing: Yes, change CAN be uncomfortable. It probably WILL be! But successfully thinking out of the BOX, moving through that discomfort of change and realizing that a different and ultimately more comfortable and more pleasing result IS WORTH IT!
So, in reality it is NOT a matter of discomfort … the true limiting mindset is WHICH discomfort!
Think about that. Then, when you are ready for a great team like ours to journey through that change with you just click, call or stop in. We are Masters of Change!