Limiting Mindset #5

“I’ve tried before. I can’t lose it!”
Here is a phrase that is commonly heard in our consultations with people interested and inquiring into our weight loss program. It’s a very common limiting thought. Yet, the simple (blunt) truth is this:
- Maybe you’ve never really known HOW to do it … yet.
- Maybe you don’t truly understand your metabolism … yet.
- Maybe you’ve never had the proper support … yet.
- Oh, and one more … Maybe you’ve never tried hard enough … yet?
Don’t take that last bullet point the wrong way and get upset or offended.
Don’t stop reading!
Often times, weight loss in a person’s life has just not YET been important enough to them at a particular time. For some, that time does not come until a life changing diagnosis has been given. For others, it’s when a particular size clothing or weight number on a scale is hit. Still others are motivated by certain life events like a relationship, an upcoming wedding or reunion, a grandchild and things like that.
The reason WHY is simply different for everybody. The point here is that maybe you have “tried” to lose weight in the past, but not really had that deep, meaningful reason to COMMIT … yet. We see this very, very frequently.
So, do not say you “can’t”. The fact is you most likely CAN lose it. Everybody CAN lose weight. Put anybody in the proper scenario, and everyone WILL lose weight. The trick is doing that in a good, healthy way. But the bottom line is this: Everyone CAN lose it.
So, let’s put this limiting mindset and phrase aside and simply agree that maybe the course taken in the past just hasn’t allowed it to happen … YET.
Moving forward do not limit your opportunity to make changes with your weight, your health or your life by using the word “can’t”. Instead, use the word YET! And don’t “try”. COMMIT!
Here’s a good replacement to the quote at the top of the page:
I’m committing like never before.
Maybe I haven’t lost weight in the past.
But I now know I CAN. I will. I must!