It's good to know good info!

We always try to keep up on the latest news and “hot topics” in the world of weight loss and wellness. As you may suspect there are A LOT of articles and tons of information, opinions and positions taken out there. In all reality, we fully DIS-agree with much of the weight loss oriented material put out there. Some individuals and organizations who are in positions of “authority” are clearly off-base and out of touch with current reality, research and strategies.
On a more flexible and understanding note, however, there are certainly a lot of other resources that have bits-n-pieces we could all pull out, apply and benefit from. Then, every now and then, we read an article in the popular press and think “Now there’s someone who gets it!” That’s the thought we had when we recently read an article on entitled:
“7 Undebatable Nutrition Facts, According to a Dietitian”
It was written by Julie Upton, a U.S. News & World Report Contributor and posted September 6, 2018. The link and full source of this article is shared at the bottom of this piece.
Before you hit the link and read the article, it’s interesting to point out that the basic approaches and even Upton’s mindsets are VERY in line with that of the Lifetime Metabolics program. For example, we use the phrase “Diets don’t work” all the time! Or, we just shared recently about our emphasis on “Direction; not perfection”. See Upton’s point 2. It’s virtually the same! And that’s not all. Over and over through this article our approaches are echoed and validated by this dietician/author.
Probably the only thing worth clarifying is that we DO see a time and place for specific and natural nutritional supplementation. In fact, in our program we DO use some very effective natural supplementation in the initial 40 day phase of our program. But after that, yes, we agree that an individual should get focused on their FOOD and not be dependent on any product.
With all that said, allow us to share the link to this excellent article (see below). We hope you pull some helpful tips from it! We realize many people can read tips, apply them and benefit. Others, of course, need more SUPPORT and a proven PLAN to achieve and maintain their weight loss goals. That’s what we do for you!