Thanks for checking back after our last post to learn 5 MORE Tips for Turkey day! As we said in our last post this time of year can really challenge people’s weight – and it’s often more difficult to take it back off after the holidays than it is to add it - if you’ve not noticed that!
Many studies point out that roughly 75% of annual weight gain takes place during the holiday season. The problem is that these pounds are hard to lose - and over the course of time they add up. After 10 years this can end up being 20 or more pounds. This is what we refer to as "creeping" weight gain. Don’t let this happen to you this holiday season! Start it off right this Thanksgiving. Here are 5 Simple Tips for Turkey Day!
WHAT IF ... the year was only 310 days long, not 365?
How would you adjust your annual goals? Obviously, we'd have to scale some things back because we wouldn’t be able to fit as much in. There would be less time for accomplishing all we want to; less time to spend with loved ones; less time to travel.
We’ve shared a version of this lesson previously, but as this season of “harvest” and Halloween rolls around, it seems appropriate to share it again. First, we’ll share a brief story …
As we share more and more about our weight loss program (and help more and more people) several questions come up over … and over … and over. Probably the most common one is this: What is the “secret” to success in weight loss? In other words, how do I overcome this challenge or win this game?