The late Steven Covey was an author and speaker who wrote the very popular book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. Among the many excellent principles Covey taught were several about the use and control of our TIME. One of his quotes we often reference is this one:
Warning: This may be a little uncomfortable for some to read because the points may feel a bit (correction) very personal. They may really strike home. We apologize in advance … sort of.
This is an exciting time of year for many graduates and parents – both high schoolers and college grads. They have certainly had to navigate some very interesting times. Of course, as adults, we know that challenging and precarious times are just a part of life.
If you are currently working to (or desiring to) lose weight, chances are you may have struggled with something many of our weight loss clients share with us: the challenge of being “perfect”.
There is NO doubt: America is THE best country to live in! All of us at Activate Metabolics feel strongly about that! We are blessed to live in a country with so much opportunity and such freedom. Make NO mistake about that.