If you are currently working to (or desiring to) lose weight, chances are you may have struggled with something many of our weight loss clients share with us: the challenge of being “perfect”.
It happens frequently. People lose, lose and lose more weight. They are cruising along well. Then, for whatever reason, they experience a “curve ball”. Some special event comes up. A favorite dish is on the menu. They slip up a bit. They “cheat” on their plan.
Of course, this is typically followed by feeling of let down in themselves. Maybe it shows on the scale. They immediately feel like a flop or failure.
But, wait! They had done great for days and days! Maybe even weeks … or months! Yet, they let this one time of weakness ... this one off day (or week) … get them down and throw them completely off course. We believe it is important to keep the BIG picture in mind. Don’t let one glitch ruin the effort. Don’t expect perfection. It, seriously, never happens!